

After the last water during the incubation in the casing soil, the grower wants the mycelium to grow onto the surface. To ensure a good recovery of the mycelium in this period the right settings for the room climate are essential.An RH at a minimum of 95%. A very slow…
A few years ago, it was standard practice to give a significant amount of water in the first few days after casing. It was common to see people aiming for maximum watering, with 35 liters per square meter being standard and 40 liters considered even better. The goal was to…

Compost Activity

Sep 12, 2024
Mushroom growers worldwide face the same problem: there are times during cultivation when the compost exhibits either more or less activity than desired. This can happen right after filling the compost, during ventilation, or if the compost temperature rises too quickly during the first flush, which can severely impact mushroom…
Generally picking is considered by many as a low education job. But on the other hand, we rely on our picking force to deliver a good quality mushroom, meeting the customer demands. No bruised mushrooms, no nail or knife damage, right stem length, straight cut stem, no weak mushrooms in…
All around the world growers can receive phase 3 blocks. Especially in countries where no or just some raw materials to make compost are available, importing phase 3 blocks is than the easiest way to start mushroom farms. Transport of blocks should always be done with cooling trucks/containers with also…
Europe is now at the time of the year summer will burst out. And every year the same growing problems occur at this time, getting worse and worse every year. Summers seem to get hotter and it is time to adapt before real growing problems are there. There are a…
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