

Fungal Diseases The life cycle for fungal pathogens like Dry Bubble, Trichoderma, and Cobweb is simple, Figure 1. Spores germinate into mycelium, which forms structures that produce spores. In a petri dish culture that may take less than a week; in compost or casing, it is probably pretty much the…
We are observing that the amount of mycelium in the casing soil often leaves much to be desired. Ideally, thick mycelium strands should grow from the bottom to the top of the casing soil, while leaving enough casing soil not yet overgrown with mycelium. This remaining casing soil serves as…


Jan 14, 2025
One of the most effective ways to avoid diseases in the mushroom industry is a cook-out at the end (or beginning) of each cycle. To reduce the chance that some spores of diseases or insects will survive in the growing rooms after the last day of harvest, it is vital…
Dry Bubble Disease is a common fungal disease of the commercial white and brown mushroom Agaricus bisporus. Understanding more about the biology of the fungus that causes Dry Bubble Disease may help growers control this disease. With the difficulty in obtaining new or maintaining existing pesticide registrations, the struggle to…

Casing soil

Dec 17, 2024
Why is casing soil used? There are two main reasons: 1. the Pseudomonas putida bacterium; 2. to regulate evaporation. Mushrooms will not grow without evaporation. The casing soil structure, through the depth of casing and on the surface, is the factor that determines how much water can absorbed and released.…
For almost 45 years I have been involved in the mushroom industry, first and always as a student of mushroom science and then as a commercial mushroom grower. I worked 12 years growing mushrooms at the largest mushroom company in Canada with a tray farm, 3 shelf farms and a…
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