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Now, in Agrocybe cylindracea base of Benhao Town, Lingshui Li Autonomous County, Hainan Province of China, growers are engaged with Agrocybe cylindracea packaging.
Last year, Benhao Town started to vigorously boost Agrocybe cylindracea industry by development advantage of under-forest economy. Now, the base absorbs 33 mushroom greenhouses, gross output capacity reaches 230,000 bags while daily output on Agrocybe cylindracea attains 500 kg.
Now, in High-efficient Mushroom Garden of Fengyi Village, Yinjiang Autonomous Region, Guizhou Province of China, Shiitakes vigorously pop heads out of sticks,
“As one of the disabled, heavy works are unbearable to me. In the past, i used to plant corns and potatoes. Along with the quick development of mushroom industry, i decidedly embark on it. By now, i have developed 5000 Shiitake sticks with support of local policy . Within half a year, gross output on fresh Shiitake reached 750 kg and pure profits hit 6000 CNY in my garden,”introduces Mr. Zhongwen Shi, owner of the garden as well as one of poor populations in Fengyi Village.
According to statistics, by the end of 2017, gross mushroom capacity came to 88 million sticks, output value attained 563 million CNY while over 6000 farmers were encouraged to launch into mushroom growing in Yinjiang Autonomous Region, average earnings obtained at least 30,000 CNY per household.
Now, in High-efficient Mushroom Garden of Fengyi Village, Yinjiang Autonomous Region, Guizhou Province of China, Shiitakes vigorously pop heads out of sticks,
“As one of the disabled, heavy works are unbearable to me. In the past, i used to plant corns and potatoes. Along with the quick development of mushroom industry, i decidedly embark on it. By now, i have developed 5000 Shiitake sticks with support of local policy . Within half a year, gross output on fresh Shiitake reached 750 kg and pure profits hit 6000 CNY in my garden,”introduces Mr. Zhongwen Shi, owner of the garden as well as one of poor populations in Fengyi Village.
According to statistics, by the end of 2017, gross mushroom capacity came to 88 million sticks, output value attained 563 million CNY while over 6000 farmers were encouraged to launch into mushroom growing in Yinjiang Autonomous Region, average earnings obtained at least 30,000 CNY per household.
In Germany the production of fresh mushrooms has increased remarkably, during 8 years from 2008 to 2016 the volumes have increased from 57,000 tons to 70,000 tons. This progression was further reinforced last year, with 76,000 tonnes according to the latest estimates. Domestic consumption has also increased: the average was 1.60 kg / capita in 2008 and 1.91 kg / capita in 2016, figures for fresh mushrooms from German production. Including all mushrooms, fresh and canned, domestic and imported, the average consumption is 3.03 kg / capita. According to the data processed by AMI on behalf of BDC (Bundes Deutscher Mushroom- und Kulturpilzanbauer e.V.) the German Federation of mushroom producers.
Source: der-champignon.de
My previous blog described what the pH should do during the composting process. This blog examines the role of the raw materials, such as ammonium sulphate, gypsum and water.
Ammonium sulphate, (NH4)2SO2
During indoor composting, NH3 is removed from the air by a reaction of the air to sulphuric acid, H2SO4. The by-product resulting from this process is ammonium sulphate, (NH4)2SO2. ammonium sulphate can be added to compost as a source of nitrogen. This reduces the pH value of the compost.
What is the principle property of gypsum? The acid binding capacity of gypsum neutralises the pH in the compost. So what does gypsum actually do? Gypsum also makes the chicken manure less sticky. The advantage of this is that the manure can be mixed through the decomposed straw better. The gypsum ensures the compost structure stays open and airy and is less inclined to become anaerobic. As the previous blog explained, this is a very important condition to ensure the pH falls during the process.
Gigantic amounts of water are applied during phase I. The moisture content of the straw rises from 5- 20% to a moisture content of 74- 76% at the moment of filling into the phase II tunnel. That moisture is created by the added water. The pH of the water therefore has a far greater influence than you might think.
Rain water/groundwater
If a lot of rainwater, with a pH of 6 or even lower, is used during the rainy season, and more groundwater, with a pH of 7, during the dry season, you will also notice that the pH value gradually changes over time. The water is recycled at the composting plant, which explains the gradual change.
Anaerobic water
If the recycled water, or process water, is stored in a reservoir, it must not be allowed to become anaerobic. If water does become anaerobic, all the micro-organisms in the water will be destroyed and the pH value of the process water will fall sharply. This will cause poor results at the end of the composting process.
Mark den Ouden
On Friday 13 April 2018, His Majesty King Willem-Alexander will open CNC Grondstoffen's new Indoor Fresh Compost factory in Milsbeek, North Limburg.
Indoor Fresh Compost is a high quality and environmentally friendly ingredient for phase III compost. All 32 tunnels at the new factory started operating at the end of December 2017, so that all phase III compost currently produced by CNC Grondstoffen is based on the Indoor Fresh Compost procedure with an optimal process duration.
CNC Grondstoffen processes more than 600,000 tons of horse manure, chicken manure and gypsum annually to create high quality compost, or substrate, used to grow mushrooms. CNC Grondstoffen is one of the five companies that form CNC Holding. This group of companies has eight branches in the Netherlands and Poland and sells substrates for mushroom growing in more than 30 countries.
Circular economy
The production process that transforms manure into substrate is environmentally friendly. By fully reusing manure – which is actually a waste product – as an input resource CNC Grondstoffen contributes to the circular economy.
During the production process, air scrubbers remove ammonia emissions. The ammonia recovered in this way is reused in the production processes. To neutralise the odour of manure, CNC Grondstoffen uses bark-filled biobeds which contain micro-organisms that absorb the odours. The end product is a sustainable, high quality substrate for mushroom growing. The location of the factory, which facilitates fewer road transport kilometres, also reduces CO2 emissions by two million kilos per year.
Guided tour
Before the official opening ceremony, King Willem-Alexander will be given a guided tour of the new factory.
The opening of the new factory is by invitation only.
Zijne Majesteit de Koning Willem-Alexander opent op vrijdagmiddag 13 april 2018 de nieuwe Indoor Verse Compost fabriek van CNC Grondstoffen in Milsbeek, Noord-Limburg.
Indoor Verse Compost is een kwalitatief hoogwaardig en milieuvriendelijk ingrediënt voor doorgroeide compost. Eind december 2017 zijn alle 32 tunnels van de nieuwe fabriek in gebruik genomen, waardoor alle doorgroeide compost van CNC Grondstoffen nu geproduceerd wordt op basis van Indoor Verse Compost met een optimale procesduur.
CNC Grondstoffen verwerkt jaarlijks meer dan 600.000 ton paardenmest, kippenmest en gips tot een hoogwaardige compost voor de teelt van champignons, ofwel champignonsubstraat. CNC Grondstoffen is één van de vijf bedrijven van CNC Holding. De bedrijvengroep heeft acht vestigingen in Nederland en Polen en verkoopt substraten voor de teelt van paddenstoelen in meer dan dertig landen.
Circulaire economie
Het productieproces van mest naar substraat vindt op een milieuvriendelijke manier plaats. Door het volledige hergebruik van mest – eigenlijk een afvalproduct – levert CNC Grondstoffen een bijdrage aan een circulaire economie.
Tijdens het productieproces worden ammoniakgassen met luchtwassers verwijderd. De teruggewonnen ammoniak wordt hergebruikt in de productieprocessen. Om de mestgeur te neutraliseren, gebruikt CNC Grondstoffen biobedden, gevuld met boomschors. Deze bevatten micro-organismen die geurstoffen opnemen. Het uiteindelijke product is een duurzaam en hoogwaardig substraat voor de teelt van champignons. Vanwege de locatie van de fabriek wordt daarnaast door minder transportkilometers twee miljoen kilo CO2-uitstoot per jaar gereduceerd.
Voorafgaand aan de officiële opening wordt Koning Willem-Alexander rondgeleid door de nieuwe fabriek.
De opening van de nieuwe fabriek is alleen bij te wonen voor genodigden.