- Fungus can cure disease - 1929 Penicillin, an antibiotic was produced from a mold called ‘Penicillium Chrysogenum’ that is also a fungus.
- Fungi cell walls are made of chitin, not cellulose like plants.
- Mushrooms are more like people than plants. They have their own immune system that can produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.
- Mushrooms are almost entirely made of water and are excellent sources of B vitamins, selenium, and vitamin K.
- There are over 70,000 known species of fungus.
- The largest fungus on the planet is a honey mushroom in the Blue Mountains of Oregon stretching across 2384 acres and is estimated to be between 2400 and 8650 years old!
- At least 350 species are consumed as food.
- Mushrooms can be made into boards, fibers, even boats.
- A fungus has been discovered that breaks down plastic in weeks instead of years.
- Some mushrooms can breathe; Ganoderma Lucidum commonly known as the lingzi mushroom, respires oxygen in and carbon dioxide out.