Meet the Garden Giant

Jun 22, 2021

Today in the leading role the 'King Stropharia', commonly known as the wine cap mushroom. This mushroom gets its name from the rich wine-red color and knows its origin in North America. The King Stropharia reaches 20 cm high and has a reddish brown rounded to flattened cap that can become 30 cm wide, therefor the name 'Garden Giant' or 'Godzilla Mushroom'. The gills have initially a pale color, then become gray and finally dark purple-brown. The firm flesh is white, as is the high stem that bears a wrinkled ring. King Stropharias have a delicious rich mushroomy flavor with undertones of potatoes and red wine and the stem has an asparagus-like texture. These delicious mushrooms are extremely low in sodium and calories, as well as fat and cholesterol free. They also contain iron, protein and calcium, making them a healthy addition to your meal.

Read all about this wonderful mushroom here.