Russian Mushroom Industry

Russian Mushroom Industry

On April 23 and 24, the Russian Mushroom Days took place at the Azimut Olympic Hotel in Moscow. Every year the event attracts more and more professionals from around the world. And already at the entrance it became obvious that this one was no exception.Within the Mushroom days, a two-day…
If you ask European mushroom growers what they think about Russian mushroom growing, most likely they politely ask again: Does it really exist?And the answer is:Yes, it exists and is developing rapidly.There are quite a few stereotypes about Russia in the world. Those related to mushroom production can be briefly…
In 2001 I started first independent Phase 2 compost production in Russia. In 2012 my facility became the first to produce Phase 3 compost in Russia and CIS. Now this facility successfully produces about 20 000 tons of Phase 3 compost annually. During years in the mushroom business I’ve built…