Events Calendar

The Global Synthetic Biology Conference
From Monday 06 May 2024
To Thursday 09 May 2024
Hits : 3640

On this SynBioBeta podcast, John Cumbers talks with Eben Bayer, the CEO of Ecovative, a pioneering company at the forefront of developing sustainable materials using mycelium. John and Eben will discuss Ecovative’s journey toward creating a billion pounds of mycelium, explore some of the cutting-edge agricultural technology used in mushroom growing, and discuss the transformative potential of new mycelium crops in consumer goods. Additionally, John and Eben will dive into Ecovative’s unique use of AI and digital twins.

Join them further for Keynotes, Fireside Chats,Networking Events, Breakout Sessions & Panels, Roundtable Discussions, Lunch & Learns, Poster Sessions, and Innovative Exhibits.

For more information or to register, please visit the website of Synbiobeta.

The Global Synthetic Biology Conference

Location San Jose Convention Center, California, USA
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