Events Calendar

The 7th UKI Medicinal Mushrooms Conference
From Saturday 18 November 2023
To Sunday 19 November 2023
Hits : 5056

A small selection of the medicinal mushrooms found in Britain and Ireland:
(l to r) Liberty cap, Psilocybe semilanceata (taken by Arp – creative commons license 3.0), turkey tail, Trametes versicolor, fly agaric, Amanita muscaria, red-belted polypore, Fomitopsis pinicola.

Enquiries & ticket sales: Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Full 2 day event £225.00 / Student or unwaged household £165.00

Also check out the website here.

Location Stanton Fitzwarren, Wiltshire, SN6 7SD, Uunited Kingdom
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