Evolvement in the mushroom picking business

Jan 26, 2018

Demand from customers in picking efficiency and developments in the picking business have got us thinking to provide a solution. Safety becomes an important value in the workplace due to increased labour inspections.

Therefore we have developed the Compact+ Picking Lorrie. This was done together with a Dutch grower. His search was simple:
“A picking lorrie which is worker friendly.” In the existing market he couldn’t find this solution. So together with Mush Comb this innovation was started. The picking lorrie is specifically designed to improve the efficiency of picking. A very strong focus is user friendliness, this in combination with comfort of working and high safety.

The first Picking Lorries have been put into practice and proven their effectiveness. Our goal is to supply more customers with our Compact+ Picking Lorrie to grow their business now and in the future.

For more information please visit the website of Mush Comb.