New Champi'mer plant

Sep 24, 2017

On Friday September 15th, the new Champi'mer plant in Kesteren was opened on a festive basis.

Henk Roodbeen from Champi'mer welcomed the invited guests at their plant, after which Jan Klerken from trading partner Scelta Mushrooms told the colorful history of the company. He emphasized the prospective view, when in the 80's Champi'mer set up the processing of frozen mushrooms, the warm relation between the companies - "we think in generations" and the top position of Champi'mer worldwide. Mayor Kottelberg of Kesteren praised the perseverance of the company innovating over the years. After the speeches a concrete mushroom was revealed, including the footsteps of the men who were at the base of success, after which confetti cans and fireworks concluded the official program. In different groups the guests visited the plant.

The plant in Kesteren, near the A15 built in 2007, has almost doubled their capacity with two new state-of-the-art automatic production lines and cooling facilities. Only six employees run the entire process of receiving the mushrooms up to and including the packaging in 1000 kg bins.

The invited guests enjoyed an upscale lunch and further festivities juring the day.

Source: Mushroom Business