Recipe: Steamed Shiitake mushrooms topped with shrimps

Jul 23, 2018



5 shrimps

5 medium-sized Shiitake mushrooms

Moderate chopped shallot

Condiments: Salt, white pepper powder, sesame oil, seafood soy sauce


1. Remove the bottom portion of Shiitake mushroom and discard, then rinse mushrooms off and set aside.

2. Devein the shrimps and rinse off, then pickle with a pinch of salt, black pepper powder, sesame oil and mix evenly.

3. Put shrimps on top of Shiitake mushrooms and remove them into a steaming plate.

4. In a steamer, dump with moderate water and bring into a boil, then let steaming plate sit in and maintain the high flame for 5 minutes.

5. Sprinkle with moderate seafood soy sauce to adjust the taste and garnish with a handful of chopped shallot if you like. Serve.