EuroMycel, thé industrial microbiology laboratory, specialized in the propagation of spawn for cultivation of mushrooms

May 21, 2024

SAS EuroMycel has 70 years of experience and advanced technical expertise, thanks to well-oiled processes and modern equipment. As part of a fully integrated mushroom supply chain, we leverage extensive product knowledge and experience to optimize the possibilities of mushroom spawn.

It's hard to believe, but the Mushroom Paris dates from the time of Louis the Fourteenth in the 17th century century. Yet this is the story behind EuroMycel confirmed. Jean-Baptiste de la Quintine, the gardener of the king, Jean-Baptiste de la Quintine, cultivated in Versailles the Agaricus for the first time on a bed of horse manure bisporus, as the Latin name goes.

The full article is written in Dutch and can be read here.

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