Reishi Mushroom for Hair Growth

Jul 14, 2021

In this article, you’re going to learn about reishi mushroom and how it can grow your hair. You’ll learn of the latest scientific research surrounding this ancient herb, and how you can get started reaping its benefits today.

First, I’ll introduce you to this 2000-year-old herb and its uses in Ancient China.

Second, I’ll dissect recent scientific studies surrounding reishi mushroom and its various properties to determine whether it’s an effective treatment pattern baldness.

Third, I’ll share with you three ways of supplementing with reishi, two of which are my very own hair growth recipes which I’ve personally used with great results.

What is Reishi Mushroom?

Regarded in Asia as the “herb of spiritual potency,” reishi mushroom has been in use for thousands of years alongside other herbs, like Fo Ti. It goes by many names, including lingzhi and G. Lucidum, and grows at the base of deciduous trees.

While wild varieties of this mushroom are rare, lingzhi is cultivated today on hardwood logs and woodchips.

The mushroom itself has a corky texture and is flat-topped. It typically has a red varnish and a kidney-shaped cap, and while other colors do occur, red reishi is the most well-known and studied.

With a variety of therapeutic uses, including immunomodulation and as an antioxidant, it is no wonder researchers have focused in on this versatile mushroom and studied it extensively.

But, the question this article will aim to answer is, “can reishi be used to treat alopecia?”

Please read the full article here.
Source: Hairguard